Corpus Christi Dual Diagnosis Treatment (877) 804-1531

If you are suffering from substance addiction and also have underlying or associated psychological disturbances, seeking dual diagnosis treatment in Corpus Christi can greatly benefit you.

When a person has a drug or alcohol addiction in addition to having a psychological or mental disorder, they are said to have a dual diagnosis. Substance addiction and a mental disorder are two different illnesses that can be present in someone simultaneously. Each of these disorders requires their own specific treatment plan, making it important to seek specialized dual diagnosis for addiction treatment in order to help you recover.

Dual Diagnosis and Addiction: Why The Two Go Hand-in-Hand

Dual diagnosis and addiction often go together because of the complex relationship between some psychological disturbances and drug or alcohol addiction.

Some anxiety disorders, for instance, may co-occur with substance abuse. People with generalized anxiety, panic, or post-traumatic stress disorders may turn to alcohol or drugs in order to help ease their symptoms. Other people, who may suffer from clinical depression or anxiety and are taking a benzodiazepine such as Xanax or Valium, can become addicted to these drugs in addition to their initial diagnostic reasons for taking these medications. A vicious cycle can begin to form that requires entrance to a dual diagnosis treatment facility in order to withdraw from the use of the prescribed medication and treat the underlying psychological diagnosis at the same time.

Types of Mental Health Disorders

There are many different types of mental health disorders, some of which indicate the need for dual diagnosis addiction treatment in Corpus Christi when a substance abuse disorder also exists.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD):

If you suffer from OCD, you have a repetitive pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that can interfere with daily life and your everyday functioning. You may have an obsession with food or with certain specific rituals and ways of doing things, such as touching every lamppost as you walk down a street or excessively washing your hands.

Because of your OCD behavioral patterns, you may develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders can include binge-eating, compulsive eating, bulimia, or anorexia nervosa. Living with OCD can be both very stressful and even life-threatening. The stress and the fears of living with this disorder can lead some persons to drug or alcohol abuse in order to help them cope better. The reality, however, results in the need for help at a dual diagnosis treatment facility.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD):

PTSD is the result of a severely traumatic event that has taken place in someone's life. Its effects cause mental anguish and can interfere greatly with your ability to cope with life's daily stresses. If you suffer from PTSD you may also acquire an eating disorder in addition to looking for other paths to help you cope with this stress.

Using alcohol or drugs may be chosen to help some deal with PTSD. Help can be found to overcome these issues with dual diagnosis treatment in Corpus Christi.


Someone who is suffering from depression may start to drink alcohol excessively in the belief that it will make them feel better. However, once you begin abusing alcohol to help mask depression, an addiction to drinking can quickly set in, requiring dual diagnosis for addiction treatment.


This mental disorder diagnosis can cover a wide range of symptoms, some of which include delusions, hallucinations, impaired thoughts and speech, disorganized movements, and lessened emotional expressions. A treatment facility for schizophrenia together with treatment for substance abuse is very important for the healing process.

With dual diagnosis treatment in Corpus Christi, a psychotic disorder such schizophrenia or schizoaffective mood disorder paired with a substance abuse problem can be simultaneously dealt with.

Bipolar Disorder:

A bipolar disorder is characterized by swift and intense mood shifts, in addition to changes in behavior and energy levels. This mental condition affects a person's physical and emotional health to a high degree. People with bipolar disorder are more likely than those with other mental disorders to develop a drug or alcohol addiction in an attempt to self-medicate and numb their symptoms.

If you or someone you care about is having difficulties with a mental health disorder and an accompanying substance addiction, dual diagnosis treatment in Corpus Christi is available. Specialized care and treatment of each distinct disorder can be dealt with at the same time, for an effective return to health and sobriety.

Services for aftercare are also important considerations, as our programs for relapse prevention in Corpus Christi can help patients gain the coping skills necessary to prevent from further relapsing. Call Corpus Christi Alcohol Rehab Centers today at (877) 804-1531 for more information about our alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs.

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