Corpus Christi Alcohol Addiction Rehab Treatment

Alcohol addiction rehab in Corpus Christi is necessary for those who would like to recover from the physical, social, and psychological effects of this disease.

What is Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction, also called alcoholism and alcohol use disorder, is a chronic disease that is serious and becomes more serious over time if treatment is not sought. Alcohol addiction rehab in Corpus Christi and across the United States helps those who are trying to overcome this dependence on drinking that can damage lives and even lead to death.

If you have an alcohol addiction, you lose the ability to limit the amount of alcohol you drink. You may want to limit your liquor intake and may even make some attempts at doing so. When it has become extremely difficult to cut down or when you are unable to stop drinking on your own, you are suffering from an addiction to alcohol and require alcohol addiction treatment.

Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that raises blood alcohol levels up to 0.08 grams percent or higher, translating to roughly four drinks for women and five drinks for men taken in two hours of less. Heavy alcohol use occurs when binge drinking carries on for five or more days over the course of a month. Binge drinking is the most common form of alcohol abuse, associated with injuries, alcohol poisoning, high blood pressure, stroke, and other bodily system damage. If you or someone you know is a binge drinkers, seek help at our inpatient rehab in Corpus Christi.

The Dangers of Alcohol

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, over 15 million American adults have an alcohol use disorder. Of those 15 million people, over 1 million of them sought treatment at an alcohol addiction recovery facility.

Sadly, an estimated 88,000 Americans die every year from alcohol-related causes, placing this disease in fourth place as a preventable cause of death in the United States. Thirty-one percent of alcohol-related deaths occur due to people driving while under the influence.

Deaths related to alcohol addiction are not limited to automobile accidents. In 2013, over 45% of deaths from liver disease can be traced to alcohol abuse. Nearly 50% of those dying from cirrhosis were alcohol-related. Liver transplants due to disease that was caused by alcohol addiction account for 1 in 3 of the transplants performed in the United States. Alcohol abuse also increases your risk of developing a variety of cancers: mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, liver, and breast cancer.

Having an alcohol use disorder is clearly dangerous for your health. Aside from contributing to the development of different types of cancer, alcoholism can be the root cause of many of other troubling health issues. Long-term alcohol addiction is also related to strokes and cardiovascular diseases. It can also increase your chances of suffering from depression and gastrointestinal diseases.

Other dangers stemming from alcohol abuse are the many social problems this disease can cause. Someone who abuses alcohol may engage in spousal and/or child abuse. It can also lead to unemployment. Drinking alone, exhibiting acts of violence while drunk, making excuses to drink, missing work in order to drink and attempting to hide your alcohol use, are all huge alerts that point to alcohol addiction.

Why Should I Enter Alcohol Addiction Rehab in Corpus Christi?

Many persons suffering from alcohol addiction do not seek out alcohol addiction treatment, usually because they fail to see that they have a problem or are in denial and cannot recognize that alcohol addiction recovery assistance can be of great help.

Entering alcohol addiction rehab in Corpus Christi provides you with confidential treatment. If one of your concerns and hesitations about seeking alcohol addiction recovery treatment is the fear of others discovering your issues with drinking, there is no need to worry, as your privacy is protected during alcohol addiction treatment.

If you are serious about alcohol addiction recovery, it's likely that you or someone who is close to you has recognized the signs and symptoms you've displayed that indicate your need for alcohol treatment in Corpus Christi. These signs can include:

  • Drinking more or for longer periods of time than you intended
  • Wanting to stop or cut down on drinking but can't
  • Experiencing cravings for alcohol
  • Drinking is interfering with your home life, friends, work
  • Cutting back on activities you once enjoyed in order to drink
  • Performing activities after or during drinking that can be dangerous (such as driving, swimming, using machinery)
  • Having memory blackouts
  • Having to drink more alcohol to achieve the effect you want

Seek out Corpus Christi Alcohol Rehab Centers if you or someone you care about exhibits symptoms like these. There are behavioral, medical and support group therapies that can help you with alcohol addiction recovery. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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